June12th Registration and Admission Day 10:00 am

Join us on June 12th at 10:00 to finalize registration (for incoming freshman and current students). We also have a few spots for transfer students and may have a couple of openings for incoming freshman.. Sign up here at www.sfdshs.org/june12th.

  • Incoming freshman who have yet to register need to finalize registration by June 12th to hold your seat!

  • Current families, who have not finalized their registration and still need financial aid, please come to complete forms or call the office.

  • Incoming transfer students can come interview and complete forms.

  • Are you an incoming freshman still looking for a high school? We may have one or two spots open but please call Mary Kay Ramirez as soon as possible if you are interested!

Sign up at www.sfdshs.org/june12th

For more information,

contact Mary Kay Ramirez

at 773-731-7272 ext. 317 or email mramirez@sfdshs.or