Archdiocese Announces Online School to Continue Through Remainder of Academic Year

Dear Families, 

As you may have seen, Gov. Pritzker closed all Illinois schools for the rest of the year. You can read the statement from the Archdiocese here. (En Español)

The news comes as a great disappointment, especially for our Seniors. We are working on creative ways to maintain some semblance of all our year-end festivities and will keep everyone posted.

All grace lies in the present moment, no matter how helpless or frustrated we may feel. While the normal exciting events of spring will not happen, this time can give us a chance to appreciate a slower pace of life, take some time for reflection, and force us to relate to one another in new, perhaps more creative ways. 

The schedule and nature of our May events will be sent out soon. In the meantime students, there are still important things well within your control; your grades, your relationship with your families, and your perspective on this situation. 

Be at peace all, and know that de Sales is here for you.

John Kimec