Emergency Tuition Relief Fund – Please Help!

Dear Friend of St. Francis de Sales,

First, and most importantly, we wish you well during this unprecedented time. The care, comfort, safety and health of our students, families, staff and community is our priority and foremost in our prayers. There is anxiety and worry among us all, so we turn to each other, our friends, family and faith to give us hope.

As we work diligently to educate our students and create a sense of community remotely, the current situation creates immediate need within the St. Francis de Sales community – need for tuition support, food, books, resources and more. This need demands immediate action.

We’ve heard from parents who have been laid off, some whose hours have been drastically reduced and whom aren’t sure when their salaries will normalize. In response to this need and in partnership with our dear friends Chris Cole (Class of 1971), Dr. Francis Lichon (Class of 1970) and John and Laurie Czulno (both Class of 1975), we are launching the SFDS Emergency Relief Fund for current families. The Emergency Relief Fund will give immediate relief to parents who are experiencing emergencies as a result of COVID-19. In a time of extreme anxiety and worry, tuition for a high-quality Catholic education shouldn’t be a concern.

The Czulnos, Ms. Cole, and Dr. Lichon’s generosity will match the first $10,000 in gifts received.

The reality is that the SFDS community needs all our help - now more than ever - and today you have an opportunity to support families in a critical time. With support from alumni and friends like you, our school continues to innovate, grow, and foster the next generation of leaders. Can you help support our families today and have your funds matched?


Even during this challenging time, we see and feel our SFDS community. We see it in Zoom meetings and Google Classroom, phone calls and FaceTime. We see community in the actions of the Czulnos, Ms. Cole, and Dr. Lichon who step up to help current SFDS’s families in their time of need. Optimism abounds for warmer weather and the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ! We are optimistic about our future.

Consider joining us with a matched donation today, one that will immediately impact the life of a student at St. Francis de Sales. Thank you!

All my best,

Mary Kay Ramirez

Director of Community Outreach