Summer European Trip - SIGN UP BY SEPTEMBER 30th!

Dear Families & Students,

The 2018 trip to London, Paris, Florence and Rome will close its enrollment on Saturday, September 30th. This will also be the last chance to enroll at the current price as the price will increase by $75 on October 1st. We’re excited to travel with a great group this year. We’d love for you to join!  See full article about the benefits of summer travel below.

To enroll, go to  or call 1-800-665-5364 (The deadline for call in enrollments is on Friday, September 29th at 12:00pm CST)

Please respond with any questions.

Happy Travels,

Diana Serrano


SFDS students experienced a rewarding and life- changing trip to Costa Rica this summer. The students learned about the Costa Rican culture through first hand experiences - hiking through the rainforests, kayaking near active volcanoes, attending a folkloric dance, and speaking the language.  These experiences have enriched their lives forever. 

The gift of travel is an educational experience that transcends beyond the traditional classroom.  Students can ask "How does Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris compare to St. Peter's Basilica in Rome? Which unmistakeable building makes a stronger impression on me?- the Duomo in Florence or the Houses of Parliament in London? 

It is not too late to reserve a seat for your student on the 2018 trip to London, Paris, Florence, and Rome!  Students will be able to experience these four iconic European cities in one fell swoop and personally connect their histories and cultures, while gaining worldly perspectives to draw on for the rest of their lives!

To learn more about the 2018 trip, click on the link below or contact Ms. Serrano at 773-731-7272 ext. 308 or by email at

Thank you!


Summer Trip 2017 to Costa Rica