Opportunities! Join us for an Open House, June 29th and Free Summer programs for students

Mary Kay Ramirez and Diana Serrano are returning this week from taking St. Francis de Sales students on an educational tour of Puerto Rico.   From the rain forest to El Morro, our students are seeing and experiencing history and science beyond the classroom because we believe 21stCentury students need to learn both in and out of the classroom. At St. Francis de Sales, we believe the opportunities are great for today's students and our role is to help them capture those opportunities. 


We have an upcoming Open House, June 29thfrom 12-4pm where you can hear all about the opportunities at St. Francis de Sales.  Please join us to meet our staff, hear about the upcoming school year, visit with old friends, meet new ones, ask questions of faculty and engage in a dialogue on the educational needs of students today.  We hope you can join us.  


We also have numerous upcoming opportunities for students to learn this summer.  From free art classes presented by Urban Gateways to Website Design, please sign up so your child continues their education during the summer months.  Below is a schedule of events:


  • Free Art Classes K-8 students June 30th-July21st
  • Free Pioneer Village K-5 students June 30th-July 21st
  • Video Game Tournament students in grades 5-9 July 19th
  • Website Design students in grades 6-10, July 21st-25th


Please see the attached two page flyer on the upcoming summer programs.  Call us at 773-731-7272 to register for any of these summer programs.  Please share with others who might want to come to the open house or who may be interested in the upcoming events for their children.  As always, if you have any comments or concerns, please contact either of us.


As you can see from the picture above, St. Francis is a community of learners that care about each other and grow together.  Please consider joining our family.


Janet Cobb (jcobb@sfdshs.org) and Mary Kay Ramirez (mramirez@sfdshs.org)



 upcoming summer programs