This Friday, the Pioneer Panel Series welcomes Stanley Moore, Cook County Board

This Friday, Cook County Board Commissioner 4th District, Stanley Moore, joins SFDS students for our Pioneer Panel Series. This follows last week’s engaging, honest and motivating speaker ,Principal of Leo High School, Shaka Rawls.

We are thankful for the Pioneer Panel Series and to the alumni, friends and partners who take time to engage with and encourage students in an open dialogue, sharing their experiences and expertise.


Announcing Pioneer Panel Series on Fridays this Fall! First Up - Tina Zepeda, Class of 2007


Preparation for College. Preparation for Work. Preparation for Life. 

At St. Francis de Sales High School, we live by those words and believe that education is more than what happens in the classroom. Experience is life’s teacher. With the global pandemic, the format for experiential learning, work study, travel, etc had to change for the year but we still want our students to learn from others outside the building.

We are excited to announce our Pioneer Panel Series. We are using time each Friday to introduce our current pioneers to alumni and friends to learn and hear from them -- from their jobs, experiences, mistakes and successes.

In the Pioneer Panel Series, we have lined up doctors and teachers, chefs and business leaders, electricians and health professionals to share their stories and advice with our young pioneers. The series will address big and small questions, will include information on academic backgrounds and questions on business etiquette, and will give students time to ask their own questions: What are the pros/cons of starting in a four year college vs. a community college? Does your college major matter? When do you wear a suit v. business casual? What is business casual? Do I have to write an email thank you note after an interview? What is networking and how do I connect with people? Students want to engage and learn. The Pioneer Panel Series is giving our students the opportunity to engage and learn outside of the classroom during this school year. 

Some of the speakers include

  • Tina Zepeda, alumna and costume designer

  • Shaka Rawls, transformative principal & leader of Leo High school

  • Bayo Babalola, professional athlete 

  • Alderwoman Garza

  • Dr. Patty River and Dr. Patrick Hardy 

Do you want to share your story with the new generation of pioneers? We are always looking for more alumni and partners who want to participate in the series. Email Roni Facen at if you want to get involved!