Work Study and the Student Library & Innovation Lab Project

SFDSHS library flyer - page 1.jpg

As part of Work Study 2020, change is happening on the “outside” (with the new logo and Work Study name and website - www.sfdshsworkstudy) and within the curriculum (adding Work Study experience to our programming). We are also updating the “inside”! We have begun our first step with an update to the library with a Student Library & Innovation Lab Project.  Working with us on this project is Kristin Ziemke, an international expert on literacy, inquiry and technology. Read more about the project here. This is a long term project but students will see and experience change by the fall of 2020! 

Applications Open for 2020-2021

St. Francis de Sales Intends to Add Work Study Program in 2020-2021. Please visit: to learn more about Work Study and St. Francis de Sales High School. Applications for next year are open now and can be accessed here. If you have questions about St. Francis de Sales High School, call Mary Kay Ramirez at 773-731-7272 or email