$200 Discount Ends Soon For 2019 Greece Trip!

EF Tours  is offerning a $200 discount for students who enroll on the trip to Greece 2019 by November 24th.  With a $95 deposit you can secure your child's spot on the tour as well as secure the $200 discount.  Once you pay the $95 enrollment fee, the price for the trip is locked in at the current rate. It will not increase.  Monthly payments will eventually be required, but by enrolling this early, you can determine the amount you would like to pay initially.  


The only amount needed to enroll is the $95.  You may do that online at www.eftours.com/2038478MP or over the phone at 1-800-665-5364.

The trips we offer every year are open to ALL SFDS students. Parents are welcome to come along on the tour as well.

 Mr. Sanchez and I will be chaperones for the 2018 and 2019 trip. We also have a full time Tour director who is a resident of the area, knows the language well, and will be with us 24/7.

Students interested in the 2018 trip to London, Paris, Florence and Rome are still able to enroll by clicking on the link below:

London, Paris, Florence Rome 2018:  www.eftours.com/1899803ct   

Once again, the link below will direct you to the 2019 trip to Greece. Please call me if you have any questions regarding the trip.

Grecian Odyssey 2019: http://www.eftours.com/2038478mp

Tax Credit Scholarships Available for 2018-2019 School Year

New Catholic School Scholarship Opportunity for 2018/19 School Year

Through the “Invest in Kids Act,” the state of Illinois has created a new way to fund scholarships for children from low-income households who want to attend private schools. The tax credit scholarships offered through this program could cover up to 100 percent of tuition and fees for eligible, low-income students. Not all families will be eligible for the new scholarships, but we want to make sure all Catholic school families are aware of the program. Program details are still being finalized, but you can find information on the scholarships, the application process and review the “Frequently Asked Questions” (FAQ) on the Archdiocese of Chicago’s website, archchicago.org/tcs. If you have any questions about tax credit scholarships, please contact the Archdiocese at InvestInKids@archchicago.org or 312.534.5321.


Summer 2019 Trip to Greece Announced. Learn more on Thursday November 9th at 6:30 pm!

Dear SFDS Families, 

St. Francis de Sales is excited to offer to our students an education travel opportunity with EF tours for the summer of 2019!  We are excited to announce that students will be traveling to Greece! 

This is an amazing opportunity to bring what is learned in the classroom to life!  Students will experience what it is like to live in a country where classical mythology and ancient history still have a presence in everyday life.  They will walk in the footsteps of ancient Greeks at the Acropolis and in the footsteps of current residents in the Plaka district.

Mark Twain once said:

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."

It is in that spirit of exploration and discovery, that we provide students the opportunity to not just temporarily visit new countries or new landscapes, but to forever view the world with new eyes. 

Families can attend the information meeting on Thursday, November 9th to learn more about the trip to Greece.  The meeting will be in room 106 at 6:30 p.m.

For more information or questions, feel free to contact Diana Serrano at 773-731-7272 ext. 308 or via email at dserrano@sfdshs.org.

Thank you!