St. Francis de Sales High School Summer Trip: Costa Rica 2017 and Europe for 2018

Every summer English teacher Diana Serrano takes interested students on a trip outside the United States.  Ms. Serrano believes education happens inside the classroom and outside the classroom and she believes summer is the perfect time for students to see the world, meet new people and understand new and different cultures.  Last summer students went to Puerto Rico; this coming summer, there is a tripped plan for Costa Rica and plans are already underway for 2018

Costa Rica 2017

The deadline for the Costa Rica trip is November 14th. We need to finalize the list of travelers to prepare for the upcoming trip.  Students can still enroll on the trip with a $95 deposit by following the link:

Any questions? Contact Diana Serrano at ext. 308 or

Summer 2018

We are excited to announce the destination for the 2018 SFDS trip!  Pioneer students will be traveling to London, Paris and Rome!  Students will experience Europe’s most historically and culturally significant capital cities. Trace Western political tradition across the millennia, from the Roman Forum to London’s Houses of Parliament. Witness the development of artistic brilliance, from the Louvre to the Sistine Chapel. See awe-inspiring architectural achievements, from St. Paul’s Cathedral to Notre Dame. For more information about the tour click on the link:

Families interested in enrolling for the trip must attend the Parent information meeting on Thursday, October 27th at 6:30 p.m. in room 106.